Články a aktuality

Správy a články o novinkách a reformách v oblasti vzdelávania v európskych štátoch.

Ireland: Addressing cyberbullying through provision of teacher training and guidance
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Sweden: A new strategy underway to strengthen knowledge in STEM
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Malta: Digital Education Strategy for a technologically adept generation
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Serbia: Supporting mental health and prevention of peer violence in schools
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Malta: A Sectoral Agreement enhancing educators' rights and working conditions
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Poland: Draft resolution on the digital transformation policy for education
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Ukraine: Reforming vocational education as a cornerstone for national development and recovery
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Malta: Increasing mental health literacy among secondary school students and educators
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Spain: Boosting competence in mathematics and reading comprehension
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Italy: New guidelines for teaching civic education
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Youth mainstreaming, youth impact assessment and youth checks: an interview with one of our authors
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Slovenia: New amendments to the Basic School Act to modernise the school system
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Eurydice Network Heads of Unit Meeting: Shaping the future together
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Ireland: Details of €11.8 billion education funding in budget 2025
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Greece: National strategy for preventing and tackling bullying in schools
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Malta: Discontinuation of alternative exam papers in primary schools
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Ireland: Enhancing student participation in policy development
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Focus On Interview: Supporting Europe through our work
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Italy: New measures for the assessment of pupils and students
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Ireland: Supporting Traveller and Roma students and those at risk of educational disadvantage
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Norway: Research points to increasing participation in flexible higher education
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Ireland: Minister for Education announces funding for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) projects
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Portugal: Addressing school absences to ensure students’ success
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Ireland: Publication of report on the national survey of Special Needs Assistants
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Portugal: Supporting students for success in higher education
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Malta: Key findings from the skills survey of the working age population
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Portugal: The new external evaluation model - more monitoring for better learning
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Serbia: Sustainable development education in schools
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Malta: The National Education Strategy 2024-2030 – Visioning the future by transforming education
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Ukraine: Transforming the preschool education system
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Bologna Process Implementation Report: An interview with our authors
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Focus On Interview: A conversation with Dr. Milica Popović on fundamental values in the European Higher Education Area
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Spain: New law on higher arts education
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Estonia: Extension of the compulsory education
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Spain: Final steps of the Vocational Education Reform
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Belgium (FR): Benelux-Baltic agreement on automatic diploma recognition
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Ireland: Launching the ‘Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy 2024-2033`
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Ukraine: Advancing the reform of specialised secondary education
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Bulgaria: Launch of the “Strong start” project supporting preschool education
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Belgium (FR): Guidance tool for higher education enrolment
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Bulgaria: Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence
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Italy: New models for the national certification of competences
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Ireland: Revised assessment of need process for schools
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Finland: New practices in doctoral education
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Learning for sustainability in Europe: An interview with our authors
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Denmark: Agreement about the primary and lower secondary school to ensure more local autonomy
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Greece: New milestone law in vocational education and training system
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France: Plans and training for the ecological transition of higher education and research
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Belgium (FR): Extension of free compulsory education
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France: Introducing all upper secondary school students to the world of work
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Sweden: More books in preschools and schools and less digital learning tools
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Greece: The Olympic Week on the road to Paris 2024
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Slovakia: Centres of Excellence for Vocational Education and Training
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France: An Olympic and Paralympic year at school
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Slovakia: Mental Health and Prevention National Project
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Ireland: Elimination of the cost of schoolbooks for families of Junior Cycle students
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Portugal: Salary premium to reward higher education qualifications of young workers
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Estonia: Advancing ICT and Engineering Education
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Ireland: New developments of Senior Cycle subjects for students
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Belgium (FR): Support for (future) parents
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Ireland: ‘School Transport 2030’ – new developments of the school transport scheme
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Portugal: Establishing guidelines for pedagogical activity in creches
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Lithuania: Introducing KURSUOK - digital education platform promoting adult learning
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Belgium (DE): Framework to redevelop career guidance for students
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Poland: Launch of pre-consultations for the revision of core curriculum
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Belgium (FR): New mechanism for developing professional skills in education
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Ireland: Applications open for schools to receive funding under the Creative Clusters initiative
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Belgium (DE): Government takes action to reduce secondary school costs
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Italy: Two new avenues for upper secondary education
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Ireland: Report on quality of education for children and young people from Ukraine
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Belgium (DE): The DuO training grant initiative for a skilled workforce
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Belgium (FR): Introducing the DAccE - revolutionising education for every pupil
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Building Bridges: Eurydice Network’s Enlargement
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Erasmus Mundus turns 20: reflecting on two decades of a global programme
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Denmark: The government addresses well-being challenges for children and young people
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Belgium (DE): Embracing the new legal framework on homework
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Poland: Advancing the digital competence of pupils and teachers with modern equipment
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Malta: Unveiling the National Strategy for Lifelong Learning 2023-2030
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Serbia: Enhancing support for Roma students through pedagogical assistance
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Greece: Embracing change and technology in the “Open School” reform in elementary and secondary education
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